Fun Facts:
- She currently has 4 teeth.
- She has a bad case of FOMO. Girl wants to see everything and be everywhere.
- She's eating tons of different kinds of foods, but is now starting to develop preferences. She still eats a lot though.
- She doesn't like eggs.
- She's a huge copycat.
- She's finally crawling around, but not walking yet.
- She loves to stand and is now starting to cruise.
- She shakes her head "no" and fake cries.
- She loves bath time and splashing around.
- She loves music and dancing.
- She'll flip out when you take food away from her. Probably one of the few times you'll see her cry real tears.
- She says dada and mommy.
- She dropped a nap and is down to two.
- She is never still, always on the move or trying to be.
- She's a pain to hold because she's either standing on your stomach or trying to twist around and get away.
- She likes to open/close things and put things in and out of stuff.
- She's still waking up once around 10:30.
- We're ending our breastfeeding relationship this week and we'll start her on cow's milk shortly.
Here's the slideshow we made for her first birthday party. (I made the entire thing on my iPhone!).