We recently moved Ava over to Erin's room. I intended to make this change later this year, but we had to make the transition earlier than expected. Ava has always been our good sleeper. We never had to sleep train her. She went to bed with no issues each night, but that changed a few weeks ago. I blame the flu. She got sick and stayed home all week and it threw off her sleeping habits. She'd take her naps on the couch, our bed, Erin's bed, everywhere but her crib and once she felt better, she refused to sleep in her crib. She actually started to climb out for the first time. So that's when we decided to make the move.
We turned Ava's old room into a play/work room and now Ava and Erin are sharing a room. They have a bunk bed, but they both prefer sleeping together on the bottom bed. The challenge now is that we've had to adjust both the girls' bedtimes. Erin usually goes to bed around 9:00 p.m. and Ava would go down around 7:30-8:00 p.m. Now that they're sharing a room, Ava refuses to sleep at a different time so we had to make their bedtime 8:30 p.m., which is now early for Erin and late for Ava. Oh and Erin still needs someone there with her till she falls asleep. I was hoping that with Ava in the picture now Erin wouldn't need someone there with her, but she still does and now Ava wants it too.
Each night so far has been different. One night it took them over an hour to fall asleep. I could see them giggling to each other and bothering each other (mostly Ava poking/touching Erin). Some nights they would knock out within minutes. A few nights both girls woke up and came into our bedroom so we had everyone in the bed. Another night, Erin woke up in the middle of the night and came to our room and on another night, Ava woke up and came to our room. There have been a few good nights where both girls slept in their room all night long. But one thing that has been consistent since the change is their morning wake up time. We used to have to wake up our girls every morning (usually around 6:45-7:00 a.m.), but now they're both awake just before 6:30 a.m. So many changes!
I'm just hoping/praying that after a few more weeks of adjusting to each other and their new environment: (1) we will once again have consistency, (2) they will no longer need one of us to stay with them till they fall asleep, and (3) there will be no more kids coming into our bed during the night. Fun times at the Kim Residence! But I must say...it's the cutest seeing the girls sleep together!