28 Month Update - Erin

December 17, 2015

Girl is almost 2 1/2! Time is seriously flying by. So much has changed since she's turned two. It's really amazing what she's capable of understanding now. 

A few fun facts about Erin:
  1. She is climbing everything. We even took her to the climbing gym and will probably take her again. She enjoyed it very much.
  2. She's talking in full sentences. She actually talks quite a lot. Her favorite thing to ask right now is "What's that noise?". It's been fun hearing her tell stories about what happened at daycare.
  3. This age has brought on bad listening. She is definitely a stubborn lady.
  4. Once she turned 2, she started sleeping through the night. Her bedtime however became 9pm. We hit a little bump in the road when she got sick in November, but she's getting back to sleeping through the night.
  5. She doesn't love vegetables anymore, but is starting to like all sorts of fruits.
  6. She still likes Asian food the best. She really likes eggs at the moment.
  7. She likes Disney characters, Elmo and friends, Puffins, and Bob the train.
  8. She's real big on scolding us and tries to reason with us as well.
  9. She's pretty darn scared of bugs.
  10. She loves singing. Her current favs are: Itsy bitsy Spider, ABC, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, It's a Small World and Let It Go.
  11. We starting to potty train, but she got the stomach bug mid November and doesn't "like" the potty anymore. I think she associates the potty with bad memories now.
  12. She still loves her books. Sometimes we purposely hide some books because she'll have us read the same one over and over (3+ times). Is that mean?
  13. She's still not climbing out of her toddler bed. I wonder when she'll try. 
  14. She really dislikes it when the sun is in her face. She'll say: "Too bright!" or "Go away!" I wonder if she picked that up from me. I guess I complain about it too when I'm in the car. Hah.
  15. She's currently obsessed with her Batman shirt. It was a hand me down from her cousin. 

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