I knew I've always wanted a daughter. But, I want to emphasize on the word "a". I come from a family of four daughters. We're all so different and similar at the same time, it's weird. But with all that weirdness comes the drama, the difficultly and all the emotions (no thank you). I'm not all that sensitive myself. Some people even joke and call me a robot. But as it turns out, my daughter is quite the sensitive one (so is my husband). For some reason, I imagined I would have a daughter similar to me. Someone who would be independent and just explore on their own and listen well. Someone just real chill. Erin turned out to be the quite opposite of that. She's Ms. Sensitive and clingy and if she could, she'd be stuck to me all day long. Of course I'm flattered about the idea of how much this little girl loves me and wants to be with me but I'll admit that sometimes, I just need a little room to breathe. But, through the past few months, I've learned how grateful I am to have a daughter like Erin. She's teaching me SO much patience and she's teaching me a whole new meaning of what loving someone means. She's the sweetest girl and I'm so thankful to have a daughter. It's true what people say about mom's needing to have daughters. Especially this mom in specific. I definitely needed a daughter like her. Daughters are so special and I'm so open to the idea of having more than one! I'm sooo looking forward to seeing our relationship blossom!

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