Baby girl is not a baby girl anymore. She's our toddler girl. It's amazing how much she's changed since her first birthday. Physically she hasn't changed much. She's still pretty tiny, weighs just over 18lbs. Her height is somewhere around 30 inches.

Food: She went through a no eating phase right around her first birthday. But a few months ago we noticed she was eating a lot better and eating more in quantity. We need her to eat, gotta fatten this girl up. She loves loves it. What a true Korean right?. She'll be happy eating meat and rice everyday if we'd let her. Oh, and get this..she loves veggies! We're so thankful we don't have to force feed her vegetables. Her favorites at the current moment are: meat, pasta (red sauce spaghetti and mac n cheese), rice and soup, pizza, veggies (peas/carrots/corn) and bagels. She's still drinking whole milk, maybe 12 oz a day. She's also like mommy and has a big sweet tooth. She'll eat anything that looks unhealthy. Great.
*She doesn't like fruit. Who doesn't like fruit?!

Sleep: Oh sleep. Sleep was great right around the time she turned one. She was finally sleeping through the night and things were good. But around 14 months she hit some sort of regression or something and things went downhill from there. She woke up frequently screaming and crying. I'm pretty sure many of those times were due to nightmares or night terrors. Didn't realize that nightmares started at such a young age. Poor thing. Both Ken and I attempted to re-train her to sleep in her crib, but we eventually got tired and worn out and that's when Erin started sleeping in our bed. Yep that's right, we started co-sleeping. At 17 months, she starts off in her crib..goes down around 7:30pm and sometime between 11-2am, she'll wake up and end up in our bed. I'll admit that at first, there was a lot of adjusting. Girl takes up a lot of space and moves like ALL the time. But, I do love seeing my baby. She's so cute when she sleeps. We're not sure how long we'll have her in our bed. Not sure when and if we'll sleep train again. But for now, we're open to having her sleep with us. As for naps, she's down to one nap, However, there are days when she'll have two naps. No complaints about her naps, she's always been good about napping.

Hobbies/Play: Erin loves dancing. Started at a young age. She was pretty obsessed with "Shake it off" by TS, but now she's addicted to "Let it go". She's got a specific dance for the song and it's pretty dang adorable when I see her do it. She's also really into peek-a-boo/hide and seek (still). She's also into knocking things over and throwing things (yay). Oh and she loves balls! But I do think we've got a smarty pants on our hands. She loves books! We read maybe 10-15 books to her daily (sometimes the same book over and over). I love that she loves books. Kids books are so awesome! Here are some of our faves:

She's growing too fast!

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