Erin just a few days old.

I'd say about 2 weeks postpartum, things got a whole lot better/easier. My body was healing properly, nursing wasn't a huge challenge anymore, Erin had somewhat of a schedule and was taking longer naps, and my hormone levels weren't all whack. Being a new parent is definitely a challenge, but so doable! It's such a joy bringing a baby into this world. Seeing your baby grow and smile and knowing that no one else knows the child better than you do is the best feeling ever. You'll also learn that babies are more resilient than you think!
Here are just a few tip/points that might help new moms:
- It's OK to say No. Like I mentioned before, I'm quite an introvert and I get overwhelmed easily. The thing with having a baby is that everyone wants to meet him/her. For me personally, I found it harder having company over (especially the first few weeks). We lived in a tiny one bedroom apartment at the time and when people came over, the apartment felt more tiny to me. I didn't want to be rude and just veg out while people were over so I felt I needed to entertain them, which turned out to be more tiring. I assure you that no one will take it offensively if you asked them to hold off a few weeks before visiting. Everyone will get to see the new baby eventually. For me, it was important that I had the first few weeks for my family to adjust and learn things on our own.
- It's OK to ask for help. It's so hard asking for help. I was so stubborn and I felt like I was supposed to be doing everything on my own. I was so determined. Ken stayed home a whole day before heading back to work and due to his work schedule, he didn't come home till around 7:30pm every night. I was so grateful for all the people who made short visits the first 3 months and brought me yummy food!
- You can survive off little to no sleep. Believe it or not, you don't need much sleep to function (Of course a full nights rest will make a more happy, less irritable person). Once my body got used to sleeping in 2 hour increments, I was able to function properly. Even with no naps during the day, I was amazed how much my body could do/endure with such little sleep.
- Get some fresh air. All doctors will advise that you keep baby at home at least the first few months. I lasted about a week before I started getting cabin fever. I just wanted to get out, get some sun, drive my car, walk around, get some fresh air, etc. So I really advise new moms to get out. With Erin nursing around the clock and not taking the bottle (also our neighborhood was not a safe place to walk around), I ended up taking Erin out with me. We went to the mall to walk around, went out for some coffee, and made stops at 85 degree bakery for some yummy bread. It doesn't sound like much, but getting out of the house for even just an hour really saved me.

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